A good friend of mine shared this- after reading it and then sharing it there were several that hit close to home.
#3 and 4- uuummm yeah.
#7- I'm generally not a crowd type person, I'm not shy, shocking discovery I know. Definitely
#8- I try every day to not wake up with a pity party- it's not like it's going to change anything. I hate being afraid, so I refuse to be. #9- kind of - it's kind of a killjoy- "So how were your holiday?" Me "Well i had breast cancer and had my boobs cut off. How was yours?"
#10- Thankfully I can't relate to. My tribe is amazing.
#12- a little but i get it-
#13- so true- for most people- I'm lucky so I probably downplay mine cancer because it's like decaffeinated - Stage 0
#14- oh hell yes
#15- just about every day is a struggle in some way
#16 and #17- I'm getting to see the after effects are brutal
I'm not sharing my story to be an inspiration - it's really something that's helping me work through all of the things I need to in my head. But I have found that in sharing all of this with people - if I can give someone a little laugh, a little insight that maybe what they are feeling is pretty damn normal, and just because it doesn't fit the publicized stories that others have shared then I'm good with it.
Not to mention I'm a talker- the more I can talk things out the better I am
But through all of this the comments from people I know well and don't know as well have been empowering.
I don't claim to be anything but me but when men I went to school with or know from way back post things like:
"Tara, your determination and bravery should be an inspiration for everyone."
"You are one tough woman, I'm proud to be your friend"
That is pretty amazing to me. They have nothing to gain but have given me a lot.
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