Doc Gottlieb said it's about a half a cup size-
While I don't necessarily like going to the clinic I have to say that at least my docs are pretty awesome.
I did come to the conclusion that I do have some feeling in my right breast- how do I know this?
Because the first "stick" missed the port and it was quite a shocker since I wasn't prepared to feel anything.
Regardless, I feel a little better with the profile I have now, it might not look like much of a change but it looks better than beforehand.
Still not ready to expose Pep to the grim reality of what I look like, I think he will do better continuing to function in denial.
Nice thing about all this is Doc Gottlieb said I'd maybe be able to have the final surgery in April or May, my daughter Aryn graduates at the end of May so I need to watch for that but the incision will only be about 2 inches.
Doc said the recovery time isn't nearly as hard and there are no drains, I may be sore because they'll be cutting some scar tissue etc but considering how well I did after the big surgery I'm not too concerned.
I am looking forward to having it done and being "normal" right now everything still feels like I'm in limbo and half way done and half way not.
Oh and for the record - expanders are quite firm. Those suckers could take out a brick wall.

Thinking about all of this and trying to stay positive and keep my sense of humor seems to make it go by faster and seems like I have an outlet, I try to not let things bother me- seeing "normal" people walk around and listening to the issues and problems people have puts things in perspective. I try to not minimize what others are dealing with but I do sit back and smile because it really is kind of comical listening to people trying to find a dress for an event while I'm looking for the next fill date so I can carry on with my life.
But it also makes a person look at what they're grateful for, health insurance- sure I'll have a hefty bill since we have the out of pocket minimum and I'll be hitting that for two years since we did all of this over the holidays- but the $20,000 will have to be taken care of in payments, better than no insurance, Pep- I can't say thank you enough- there are allot of people that would have bailed, he didn't even when he could have, my job- funny how that ends up being in there- but being able to work from home and keep me busy was a God send, my boss- having a sense of humor like I do so I and we can joke around about how my cancer was convenient. If people heard what we said they would seriously thinks something was wrong with me---us.
My kids- my family- all of these things that brought me to where I am here and now-
Things happen for a reason and there are things that suck when we're in the middle of dealing with them but they bring us to where we're supposed to be in life for a reason.
I don't know what the reason is for having breast cancer but I'm sure there's something coming.
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