Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Kind of an odd thing to think while you're in the shower, but it was kind of a shock when all of a sudden I have feeling on my right side- which for reference was the non-cancer side.
This is good right? One would think so- it's kind of a good thing that I'll have feeling and be somewhat "normal" again right?

I'm hoping so, but on the flip side---I go in for a fill on Monday the 15th, kind of romantic really- the day after Valentines Day and all.

So what this means now is that I'll definitely feel the needle on this one. Gottlieb had offered to numb the site but that just means two needle picks instead of the one and it would probably be about the same effect really.
So I'll opt out and deal with the joy of being able to feel them doing what they're doing this time.

I am looking forward to it. It's been three weeks since I've been in and it's felt like a waste of precious time towards be having this done and me being put back together completely.

I did share this new information with my Pep and he's at kind of a loss. He's seemed to have place an embargo on that area altogether - which I can't blame him, there's nothing appealing about what I have going on up there, and I still refuse to let him be witness to the frankenboobies.

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