Monday, February 15, 2016

Shocking I Know

I think that I'm surprising allot of people, as I see more and more people and I look healthy, look normal- for the most part at least- I keep getting the feeling that people expect me to look like a "cancer patient"- to look ill or sad. Or to be depressed maybe?

I think people I see at work are surprised that I'm --me-- meaning I'm the same person with the same humor and the same drive- maybe a little more?

I know I keep surprising Pep- he'd never been through something like this- meaning a medical or health scare like this, so he didn't know what to expect.
Hell I didn't know what to expect. I was expecting worse- expecting the pain to be worse and to last longer. 
I figured I'd be pretty down and out for longer than the 3-4 days- I thought for sure that I'd be down in the dumps for longer- maybe that's still coming?

I know that I always seem to have something to prove to myself. It comes from the car accident years and years ago. 
I heard so many thing of what I wouldn't be able to do or things I'd have to stop doing and it started then for me to be able to prove them wrong. To prove I was tougher than what happened to me.
I have carried that with me since I was 15- 
Life's not fair, life can suck some days. But you're living and things could be worse, even back then- I could have been paralyzed, I could have never walked again!!
But I did and I wasn't so move on and prove them wrong.

People go through things and the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a true statement but there were times- and plenty of them that I hated that saying because I didn't want to be stronger than I was- I didn't want to have to be the strong one.
But it's who I am and who I've become-
I should have a T-shirt made with some catchy saying- I need to work on that

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